The name of the group is The Norfolk Aeronautical Group hereafter called ‘the group’ in these rules.
Aim of the group
The aim of the group is to provide a forum where anyone interested in matters relating to aviation or aviation associated activities in the broadest sense can meet or exchange information for cultural and social activities which will allow them to pursue these interests. The group is a voluntary, non-profit-making organisation.
To further these aims, the group may exercise the following powers:
• raise funds including the charging of annual subscriptions, receipt of donations,
running of raffles and otherwise. The group shall not undertake any permanent
trading activity;
• produce leaflets/posters to publicise group activities;
• hold meetings and arrange visits;
• pay the necessary expenses involved in running the group;
• publish a monthly group magazine and circulate on line E-bulletins with information
of relevance to group members; and
• undertake any other lawful activity to further the group’s aims.
Membership of the group shall be open to all persons supporting the group’s aims and willing to abide by the group’s constitution, having paid the required annual membership fee.
Each member will have one vote and will be eligible to stand for election onto the committee.
The group will be non-party-political, non-sectarian and will be committed to non-discriminatory practices and equal opportunities.
The management committee may, by majority vote, refuse or rescind membership.
Management Committee
The group will elect, at the AGM, a Management Committee comprising a maximum of
7 members (with the quorum level set at 5 members). The posts to be filled will comprise as a minimum, a Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, with other roles andresponsibilities allocated as appropriate (e.g. Membership Manager, Meetings
Organiser, Visits Organiser and Magazine Editor). A Committee member may fill more than one post. The Management Committee will direct the policy and management of the group. They will be elected to serve for one year after which time they may stand for re-election.
The post of Chair will be filled by a member of the Committee chosen each June by a majority vote of the Committee. In the event of a tied vote on any Committee decision the Chair will have a casting vote. A further member of the Committee, also chosen by a majority of the Committee, will be appointed as Vice Chairman in addition to their other Committee duties.
The group will appoint an Honorary President (normally a person of standing within the aviation community) selected by the committee. He or she will be able to participate in committee meetings and offer advice but will not have a vote on the Committee itself.
The Committee will have the power to co-opt members as advisers if it wishes to use this power to help with certain tasks and responsibilities.
Co-opted members may attend Committee meetings as needed but will not have vote on the Committee.
The Committee will meet a minimum of 6 times a year.
General Meetings
General meetings will be based on a presentation of relevance to the Group’s aims and will be held monthly (usually on the second Thursday of the month) either as a live meeting supported by Zoom (or other suitable video conferencing tool) or on Zoom alone. Subject to any security issues specified by the speaker all presentations will be recorded and distributed for personal use by DVD or download to members either not on-line or unable to be present on the meeting night.
An Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the group shall be held every year in the month of February. All members shall be notified not less than fourteen days before the meeting. An agenda will be circulated. Business of the AGM will include electing the
committee; reporting on the activities during the year, amendments to the constitution and approval of the group’s accounts.
An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) can be held at the chair’s discretion or by a written request to the chair of not less than 5 members. The meeting shall be called within twenty-one days of such a request and appropriate measures taken to inform all
members. An Extraordinary General Meeting shall only consider the business specified in the request.
Any money raised shall be used to further the aims of the group and for no other purpose.
A bank account will be opened and operated in the name of the group. The account will require two signatures on any cheque or other bank document (except paying in slips). There will be four signatories available to the treasurer for signing cheques. A
simple written note of the group’s financial position, will be produced and available at committee meetings and a statement of accounts verified by a competent person who is independent of the group shall be tabled at the AGM.
No member shall derive any financial benefit from the group, except for payment of committee approved ‘reasonable expenses’ and no money will be paid out in the name of the group without a receipt being presented.
Membership Fees
Membership fees will be reviewed annually by the Committee and any proposed changes presented to the membership at the AGM, or other suitable gathering as necessary, in order to achieve approval ahead of implementation.
Members wishing to leave the group part way through a year are to notify the Secretary in writing and the Committee will decide whether any of the unexpired portion of the membership fee for that year will be refunded. This will normally only be if there are
extenuating circumstances.
Amendments to the Constitution
If amendment(s) to the Constitution are necessary, members will be informed in writing and given the opportunity to consider and vote on the amendments. The amendment(s) will be made if there is a two-thirds majority vote of members.
If the committee, by a simple majority, deem it advisable to dissolve the group, it shall call a meeting of all the members of the group, giving not less than 14 days’ notice. If such a decision is confirmed by a majority of those present, then all the assets of the group shall be transferred to another local voluntary group or community group with similar aims.